Thursday, January 9, 2020

Greek Mythology Influences and Effect to Greek Civilization

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION â€Å"Mythos†- a Greek word meaning â€Å"tale† and the origin of the word mythology; according to the dictionary mythology means, a traditional story aiming to explain the meaning of things concerning deities and demigods. Greek Mythology has been known to be one of the footprints left by the civilization of ancient Greece to our history and these mythology somehow shed a light to the culture, life style, religion and history of ancient Greece since the mythology were the primary basis of the origin of the ancient Greeks and they believed that these mythologies explained the origin of why things turned out to be like that. The Mediterranean served as a basin for the early civilizations. The rich history of the†¦show more content†¦My single, divine nature is worshipped throughout the earth in many forms with various ceremonies and under various names. Thus, the early races of Attica call me Athena, the Cypriots, Aphrodite; the Cretans, Artemis; the Sicilians, Persephone; the Eleusinians, Demeter; and others, Hera. (Lucius Apuleius, The Golden Ass (150 A.D.). The women were given the much authority since the last female child of the ruling priestess-queen will inherit the throne since the last child usually was the last to die therefore insuring that fertility will continue. The ruling of the women in the society, religious rituals and social events reflected the matriarchal way of thinking of the people (Rosenburg, 1984). Through the matriarchal religion, the culture of the pre-Greek inhabitants differed from the Greeks in a way that the mother was the head of the family unlike the male dominated culture of the Greeks. The pre-Greek tribes saw motherhood as the most sacred, mysterious and miraculous event, and the pre-Greeks valued the female children than the male and the most favored was the last female child since she will keep the family line longer (Rosenburg, 1984). And as stated by Rosenburg, 1984: â€Å"The life of the family centered upon the mother, the hearth, and the home. Mother love was a humane and pacifying influence, cr eating an aura of honor, trust, hospitality, generosity, concern, and reverenceShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Ancient Greece1107 Words   |  5 Pagesand every day. Various gods ruled these different city states. Mythology was very huge in Ancient Greece. There are so many different folktales and myths from Ancient Greece. Do you ever wonder if any of those ancient Myth’s were true? Ever believe that those myths still help shape society today? 1. Burrell, Roy. The Greeks. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. 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